Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer Activities for the Entire Family!

   ♫ ♪ Schoooooolls out for Summer! ♪ 

    Ha ha! Couldn't resist some Alice Cooper!

Most of us have school age kiddos that are either out, or going to be out of school for the summer soon! Now the question is how to keep them entertained!

Here is a list with photos and tutorials of over 120 different activities to keep everyone in the family busy all summer long! 

Have a Party in Your Living Room ~ Turn up the music, dance and have fun!

Play Dress-Up ~ Most little girls like to play dress-up! Would be a great rainy day activity.

Play Make Believe ~ Dinosaurs, Pirates, Princesses Oh My! 

Explore a Museum ~ Most museums are tons of fun for kids to explore. If you are a Bank of America card holder, you can get free general admission on the first full weekend of the month to participating museums, botanical gardens, science centers, and more! Check out all of the details here!

Play in the Dirt & Mud ~ Make some mud pies, dirt tracks for the trucks and go have fun with them! The best part is you can let them play in the sprinkler when they are done!

Have a Slumber Party ~ Small Fry has some cute ideas for slumber party ideas!

Fab Kids has 7 themes you could try out at well! (I love the glow in the dark idea!)

Whether you are hosting a party or it's just the family, I'm sure you can find something fun here to do!

Play with Bubbles ~ This is one of my kids favorite things to do! We recently found a recipe to make where the bubbles actually bounce! Play at Home Mom, LLC has a GREAT recipe! 

Make  Sidewalk Chalk Drawings ~ The Iowa Farmers Wife has a brilliant idea! Draw and outline and dress it up! Oh the possibilities for little girls!
Happiness is Homemade has an awesome recipe for DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint! (none of that harmful plaster of paris!)

See a Drive-In Movie ~ Go to an old time Drive-In! I had a blast there when I was a kid. If can't go or don't have one close, you can also make your own! Have the kids color the boxes before the movie.

Play Some Childhood Games ~ Time to bust out the classics from when we were kids and it was safe to play outside all day! Hide and Seek, Kick the Can, Capture the Flag, Four Square (not the social media network), Hopscotch, Jump Rope and Double Dutch, Jacks, Marbles, Red-Light Green-Light, Mother May I, Simon Says, Tag (Shadow, Freeze, TV), Blind Man's Bluff, London Bridge, Red Rover, Heads-Up 7-Up, Cats Cradle, Hand Clap Games, Musical Chairs and Freeze Dance are some.

Go to the Fair ~ You could spend a whole day at your county or state fair. Between games, rides, exhibits, and food, there is sure to be something there for everyone!

Play Miniature golf ~ Four!!! Outdoor or indoor this is a sure hit with everyone!

Catch Fireflies ~ After dark, go outside and catch fireflies with your hands or in a jar (make sure to safely release them after you are done looking at them!)

 My Dad Blog has an awesome idea about a Firefly party!

Pick Fruit at a Farm ~ When I was a kid, my mom would take us to a local blueberry farm where we could pick our own berries to keep or they would pay us to help them pick them. We had a blast playing in the bushes and picking berries all day! Mom even let us keep the money we made! There are some other places where you can pick fruit from trees, strawberries, and gooseberries! YUM!

Roast Marshmallows/Make S’mores ~ I LOVED this idea when I saw it (and might possibly use this for our wedding) and I needed to share!

Woodland Dreams had a s'mores bar set up at their wedding (again, awesome!). This could be used any night and not only with Hershey's, but any other chocolate you can think of! Not to mention flavored marshmallows! YUMMY!

Make Lemonade from Scratch ~ OMG! My mouth started watering when I found this recipe for Old Fashioned Homemade Lemonade from allrecipes.comIt's got the perfect sweetness to tart ratio! One of my other favorites is Peach Lemonade! You can find it at! 

Go to the Farmers Market ~ Farmers markets have a lot to offer! You get fresh, local produce, jams, honey, whatever is in season! I love mine!

Nap in a Hammock ~ Yep! One of the best ways to spend an afternoon!

Make a Giant Outdoor Kerplunk Game ~ This Old House has an awesome tutorial for making a giant outdoor kerplunk game! It may be a bit more expensive than others that I have seen, but it will last you more than one summer! 

Have a Picnic in the Park ~ Grab a basket and blanket, pack your lunch and go to a local park! Eat on the blanket in the grass, and the kids can play while you relax.

Stargaze While Laying in the Grass ~ This is one thing I love to do, especially with my hubby. If you want to catch a night show, check out these Must See Sky Watching Events in 2014.
You can also download these apps to your smart phone that you can point at the sky and identify constellations, stars, and even satellites!
Android ~ Sky Map
←  Android ~ Sky Map

          Apple ~ Sky Veiw®        

Dangle Your Feet off a Dock ~ Roll up your pants and just enjoy the feeling.

Swim at the Lake ~ Make a day of it and go to a local lake, pond or creek and just have some fun! Lift up rocks and see if you can find some crawdads too! 

Go for a Bike Ride ~ Lace up your shoes and get those helmets on. Take the kids for a bike ride! Whether it's just down the street or on the beach, get those muscles moving, if you can.

Go Fishing ~ Grab the pole, tackle and kids, load up and go! Don't forget to get a license. 

Go Camping ~ Head out to a State Park and stay outside. If you have never been before, pitch a tent in the back yard!

Go for a Hike ~ Get out into nature! Most places have trails for beginners and advanced! You may see something you have never see before!

Play Frisbee ~ Most everyone know how to play Frisbee, you take a concave plastic disc and fling it at another person to catch. If you would like a challenge though, there is always Ultimate Frisbee and Frisbee Tricks. These were challenges we took on as kids! I use to have a

Sunset at Biloxi Beach, MS
Take a Last-Minute Road Trip ~ We took a spur of the moment road trip in March. I took my mom out to breakfast and we were talking about going to the beach. The man  in front of us paid for our breakfast and said, "Have fun and go to the beach!" So we did! We ended up in Biloxi, MS and made our way around to New Orleans, LA and back home to MO. It wasn't a long trip, but well worth the time I got to spend with my mom!

1000 Life

See a Summer Blockbuster ~ 1000 Life Hacks conveniently had this for 2014

Play in the Rain ~ Yup, we did that today! The girls had a blast running around and playing tag in the rain!

Go to a Baseball Game ~ It doesn't matter if it's High School, AAA, AA or Professional, baseball is one of Americas favorite past times! Since Hubby is a big St. Louis Cardinals fan, we are going up on the 4th of July! Shhhh...don't tell him! He doesn't know yet!

Sheet Art
Use an Old Sheet and Make Art ~ The girls had a BLAST with this one! I got some cheap water guns from the dollar store and filled them with food coloring and water and let them go at it! They were really good too! I figured they would spray everything, but it only ended up on the sheet! YEAH!

 She calls me Mama Leisha has an awesome Art on the Lawn idea! Check it out!!

Make Homemade Bird Feeders ~ These are always fun to make with your kids! I have a few pinned on my Pinterest that are worth giving a try! We have made this one in the past!

Make Homemade Ice Cream ~ You can use one of those machines with mixes that contain who knows what that you set and walk away for a while and come back to OR you can make your own!

OC Mom Blog has a great recipe for making ice cream in Ziploc bags!

Keep the kids busy, teach them some chemistry and enjoy the fruits of their labor! Three lessons in one!

Make an Obstacle Course ~ Get the kids, and you, moving! Make a homemade obstacle course!

Simple Kids has some awesome ideas that incorporate just about every way you can move. Make it fun and use what you have on hand. 

Plant Some Flowers ~ You can pick up some pots and potting soil for fairly cheap. Let the kids pick out which flowers they would like to plant. If you don't want pots, pick a spot in the yard for them to make their own flower beds. They get to play in the dirt and plant something pretty!

Make  Your Own Sprinkler ~ It will be getting hot soon, if it's not already.

HomeSpun Threads had a guest post from She Wears Flowers about a DIY Sprinkler. I love this idea!

It's simple to make, the kids will have hours of fun, and stay cool!

Have a Scavenger Hunt  ~ You can use pictures for smaller kids and more challenging objects for older ones!

The Taylor House has some cute ideas!


For the older kids, check out this neat idea using a pill box and craft paper over at The Crafty Blog Stalker!

Wash Your Car ~ The kids will love to play in the cool water and the bubbles while washing your car! My girls love to help me. They get the lower spots where it's harder for me to

Paint Some Pet Rocks ~ When I came across this post, I was thinking, great another one where the paint washes off after a few rains...Not this one!!!

The Craft Train has an awesome idea that we used last year and our rocks are still pretty!

You can also read about the History of the pet rock here!

Make Root Beer Floats ~ August 6th is National Root Beer Float Day! Get a glass, some vanilla ice cream, root beer and some vanilla creamer, put it in a glass and YUMMY! The best root beer float  ever!!!!

Make Your Own Wind Chimes ~ This is super easy and inexpensive! The kids will have fun finding the stick and putting them together!

Check out Where Imagination Grows for what you will need! (She has a bunch of other awesome kids activities too!)

Play “Parachute” with a Large Sheet ~ Remember when we were kids in gym class and we all got excited about the big, colorful parachute we got to play with if we were all good? Well, grab a flat sheet, king works best, and let the kids have fun and you get a blast from the past!

Have a Banana Split Party ~ Make an event out of it! Grab all the ingredients you'll need, let the kids pick some too! Let them put it all together and enjoy it outside! Don't forget the sprinkles!

Do Some Texture Rubbings ~ Did you have those Fashion and Texture Plates when you were little? Well, lets take that to a whole new level! If you have smaller kids, grab some paper and a crayon and get to rubbing! If you have older kids, try something different! You make the rubbings, and let them figure out what they are from! Kind of like a treasure hunt! You can also make your own with hot glue and cardboard for rainy day fun!

Take a Family Nap ~ Everyone needs a nap sometimes!

Camp in Your Living Room ~ Pitch your tent and "build" a fire! Get some rocks and glue them to some cardboard. Use some tissue paper for the "flames" and a flame-less candle for the light!

Make  Your Own Pizza ~ I don't know about you, but when we try to order pizza, no one wants the same thing! Here is a remedy for that and the kids get to help!

Temecula Qponer ~ Blogs! has an awesome recipe for pizza in a muffin tin! Everyone can choose and make their own pizza! She also has one for Meatloaf!

Go to the Zoo ~ Take a day and head out to your favorite zoo! The kids will love to see the animals and they can learn about them too! We are planning a trip to the St. Louis Zoo in July! I can't wait to take D & K there! Some zoos will have a free day and/or offer discounts with passes. We are getting the Safari Pass when we go so we can make the most out of our trip and still save some money! TIP: If you don't want to pay for the expensive food in the zoo, pack a cooler in your car and go to the park for lunch! You can still get back in, but wont have to pay $7 for a kids meal that's usually PB&J or Corn Dogs!

Put Together a Puzzle ~ Save this one for a rainy day! If you are really good at puzzles, turn the pieces over so you can't see the picture and try to put it together just using the shapes! 

Play a Card Game ~ You can use a regular deck of cards and have hours of fun playing these 10 card games from Today's Parent or you can purchase Game Decks from your local store. Some of our favorites are Skip-bo, Phase 10, Uno, and Rage.

Play a Board Game ~ This is a big hit here! Especially Candy Land (if D doesn't try to change the rules! lol) There are tons of games out there, but if you want something new, make your own up! 

Do Some Science Experiments ~ Teach the kids some science and have fun doing it! Scholastic has 40 Cool Science Experiments listed from PK-8 grade. There is even a Harry Potter Experiment!!

If you can't find anything fun on there, I doubt you will, you can also check out Steve Spangler Science. There are TONS of science experiments on there with the science lesson to go with it! 

Visit a Historic Site ~  One of my favorite places is Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site in MO.  There is so much history that can be learned from historic sites. You probably have one closer to you, but this is still one of my faves!

Press Summer Flowers ~ Whats a better excuse to pick flowers than to preserve them? I found this post about a year ago and I have been doing it this way ever since! I love it!

Naturally Educational has a microwave method that works in seconds instead of weeks! A defiant must try!

Go to a Diner ~ Diners usually have AMAZING food! When we are out and want some yummy food, that's where we go!

Build a Fort ~ Oh, the possibilities are endless with this one! Couches, pillows, blankets, clothes lines, just about anything!! We are actually in the process of making a living fort for the girls!

Hub Pages has the tutorial we are using, but tweaking a bit.

It's in its very early stages, but we plan on putting flowering plants on it with some ivy vines, maybe even honeysuckle since we have an abundance of that around!  

Fly a Kite ~ This is a past time from everyone's past.

Austin Moms Blog has a great tutorial on how to make a kite that your kids will have fun flying when they are done! 

Play with Clay ~ There are so many things you can make with clay! If you want to keep what your child has made, be sure to get the clay that you can bake. That way it wont crumble later on.

Make Paper Airplanes ~ We all made paper planes in class! Let's take those to the next level and check out Fun Paper Airplanes. They have 15 Free printable templates to make flying paper fun!

Join a Summer Reading Club ~ Most local libraries will have a Summer Reading Program that you can join. 

Keep a Sketch Diary ~ You can pick up a sketch book at just about any department or craft store. (the ringed ones work bets) Get some pencils and colored pencils and let your kids draw whatever they want! Make it fun for them by trying a scavenger hunt where they have a list of things to find and they have to draw it when they find it. 

Write a Journal ~ If your child is old enough to write on their own encourage them to write down their feelings and thoughts in a journal. Start out with just once or twice a week and if they like it gradually increase how many times to write in it. This will also help them with penmanship and keep them off technology for a bit.


Fun At Home With Kids uses a great recipe for Gak/Slime that doesn't use Borax! (big plus) Did I mention it's made with GLITTER????

Teach the Kids to Skip Stones ~ Take the kids to a pond or lake and show them how we had fun when we were kids! I could spend hours by the water finding the perfect stone and seeing how far and how many times I could skip it! 

Make a Photo Album ~ The next time you go somewhere like on a hike or to the zoo, get the kids a disposable camera and let them take their own photos. After getting it developed, make a scrapbook or photo album with them so they can show off what they have done.

Play Croquet ~ Set it up in the yard and see who wins...OR the last time we played, the girls had more fun trying to hit the balls...anywhere!

DIY Oatmeal Cream Pies/Ice Cream Sandwiches
Make Your Own Ice Cream Sandwiches ~ I have a recipe for DIY Oatmeal Cram Pies that I posted a while back. We have used them for ice cream sandwiches too! We used a little less butter and froze them after adding the ice cream and they turned out GREAT!

Play Badminton ~ Grab the net, rackets and birdies and you could spend hours playing! 

Play Charades ~ The Game Gal has free printable list of charade lists separated into four categories. The whole family will have fun trying to guess what you are trying to portray!

Make Cute Containers for Storage ~
San Diego Mom f Tw Great Kids used things from around the house to get organized and keep the kids busy for a bit! 

Have a Disney Movie Marathon ~ Is it raining out and they kids are driving you "crazy" running through the house? Get them settled in for a marathon of Disney movies! Not only will they watch the movies, but you can get things done as well!

Go to Flea Markets ~ If you have little kids, make sure you bring the stroller for this one. You can often find great items and collectibles in flea markets! We just happen to have a booth at one!

Have/Go to a Garage Sale ~ This is another great way to grab bargains during the summer! There are soooooo many sites out there that have tips, but I think I have it narrowed down to my top 3:

Vixen Made ~ 65+ tips

Tip Nut ~ How to Guide

Thriving Home ~ Throwing a Great Sale

Climb Trees ~ Every kids favorite thing to do! Please be careful with this one!

Bake Cookies ~ I love making cookies and the girls love to help me!

Do It Yourself Divas has one of my favorite sugar cookie recipes! They really are AMAZING! (I love the old time recipes, they really are the best!)

If you still want more cookie recipes, check out my Food | Cookies board on Pinterest! 

Volunteer ~ Make a family event of it. There are places everywhere! Do something good for your community!

Go to a State Park ~ I spent most of my summer as a child with my grandmother in state parks. We have stayed at every one Missouri has that allows camping. I have many favorites that I take my kids to. You can stay for the day, night, week or even be a camp host and stay a whole month! Either way, there are always activities throughout the summer you can do! 

Have a Back Yard Campfire ~ Roast some hot dogs and marshmallows! If you don't already have a fire pit and don't want to use a grill,  DIY Cozy Home has some cute fire pits with links. If you have kids, please make sure you choose to make a pit that's safe!

Have a Water Balloon Fight ~ Grab some balloons, fill them and throw 'em! Cool summer fun for everyone! If you don't want to pick up the mess that's left behind, there are biodegradable balloons out there, but I am still waiting on email replies about products before I can recommend one of those. I will get something added about that when I get some better information.

Visit a Fish Hatchery ~ Go and learn the stages of they hatchery fish. Pack a lunch and go for a hike all at the same time!

Make Your Own Jewelry ~ Grab some beads and cord and make some super cute things! 

Go Fossil Hunting Near a Lake ~ Take a trip to the lake and check out the shore. There are almost always rocks that have some sort of fossil in it. Most of them might be Crinoids, but hey, the kids will be excited that they found something super old!

Go Roller Skating ~ Lace up the skates or blades, find a smooth spot and roll away! Don't forget the helmet and pads! 

Bake Cupcakes in Ice Cream Cones ~ Prepare the batter for cupcakes as you normally would and pour it into the cones. You can get a cheap aluminum 11 1/2 x 8 pan at the dollar store and carefully cut holes in it to stand them up while baking. Place the aluminum pan on a baking sheet for stability. Cool and decorate!

Make a Family Cook Book ~ Get together some of your favorite recipes you make and put together a cookbook! Make the recipes and include some pictures.

Make Paper Flowers ~ Paper, scissors, pen, glue and Done! These are super cute too!

Visit a Retirement/Nursing Home ~ We do this a lot! Seeing their face when you come to visit...priceless! Most of them have no family, and kids always make the elders happy! Have the kids make some cards or something small for them! Kindness goes a long way!

Visit a Cave ~ Most caves have walking tours but I happen to live close to Fantastic Caverns! We try to go to a cave every summer! There are many things that can be seen in the dark!

Watch the Fireworks ~ Yup! Had to include the 4th of July!

Make a Summer Bucket List ~ Write down everything you would like to do this summer! That's it! HINT: I just did mine!

Make Crowns with Wildflowers ~ Yup, we were "those" neighbors growing up. We always had dandelions in our yard and when we got into trouble, well, we had to pick them. I use to make jewelry all the time! Give it a shot with any flower with a bendable stem!

Play Flashlight Tag ~ Grab a flashlight and give it to the tagger. Players hide while the tagger counts to 50 out loud. Using the flashlight, the tagger shines the light on a player and becomes the new tagger. The previous tagger goes off to hide. 

Make Sun Print Cards/Art ~ You could make cards, posters, wall art, books, just about anything you want to! The kids will be amazed and wonder how!

Hello Beautiful has a great tutorial on how to do it and how to make a book!

Have A Dinosaur Day ~ I have yet to meet a child that has not been intrigued by dinosaurs! Here are a few good ideas to have a Dino Day:

Sense of Wonder has a great tutorial for fossil impressions in "rock"

3 Dinosaurs make DIY Dinosaur Shirts!

Motherhood on a Dime has a great recipe for Dino Snacks using "crushed bones" and "swamp water" lol

Almost Unschoolers also has a great recipe for Fossil Cookies

Wildlife Fun for Kids has a Top 10 list of activities! #6 is awesome!

Make Your Own Lava Lamps ~ Fill a large clear soda bottle about 3/4 full with any type of vegitable oil and then fill the rest with water. Add enough drops of food coloring to cloud the water. Then add 1/2 tablet of Alka-Seltzer ant-acid. Bring back the memories of your own!

Make Up Your Own Board Game ~ Tired of the same old games all the time? Make up your own and let the kids pick the rules! 

Experiment with Water Marbles

Blow Up Balloons Inside ~ Buy a bag of balloons blow them up and let the kids play with them in the house! $1 a package = Hours of playtime fun!

Make Your Own T-Shirts ~ Get 3M (works bests) sandpaper, Crayola (works best) crayons, a white t-shirt, a piece of cardboard bigger than your picture, a paper towel and an iron. Have the kids color the image on the sandpaper, but remember the picture will need to be drawn backwards. When they are done, slip the cardboard between the shirt so it won't bead through the back. Lay the sandpaper, colored side against the shirt, on the shirt with the paper towel on top. Iron on cotton setting for about 30 seconds. Gently lift the sandpaper to see if the image transferred. If not, just iron until you get it transferred. Remove the sandpaper and let it cool a bit. Now the kids have a new shirt that no one else in the Whole World has!

Color with Your Kids ~ Bust out the crayons and coloring books! Take time to color with them!

Make Garden Stepping Stones ~ You can get kits at most craft stores or Walmart. The kids will love to make their own stone to put outside and you will have something to keep! 

Create Art from Collected Things in Nature ~ Take a trip outside and have the kids collect things they like. Take everything back in and have them make a picture with what they found!

Play in an Air Fort ~ Keep cool and have some fun at the same time!

Mom Trusted has a great tutorial on how to make one!

Play on a Giant Water Blob ~ I have seen countless horror stories about this...BUT It does exist!!!!

Homemade Toast has the tutorial to make one that WON'T LEAK!!! Pure genius!!!!

If you want some night time fun with the blob, check out Fun at Home With Kids's post about safe glow in the dark fun!

Play Beauty Salon ~ This is perfect for the girls, or a really fun dad! 

Have a Water Gun Fight ~ Go do it!

Make Pinwheels ~ My girls love pinwheels! Every time we see one at the store they want to buy it!

Confetti Sunshine has a great tutorial on how to make your own that's super easy!

Watch the Clouds ~ find a shady spot where you can watch the clouds go by. See how many things you can see in the clouds.

Make Your Own Slip N Slide ~ This is the BEST DIY slip n slide I have seen!

Geek Dad via Wired has an amazing tutorial on how to make on!!

Get a Pen Pal ~ This would be one for the older kids and adults. PenpalsNow is a free site to help you find someone to write to! Having a friend in another country would be awesome!

Feed the Ducks ~ Grab your old bread and head to a local park with a pond. The kids will have a blast!

Four Leaf Clover
Find a Four-Leaf Clover ~ This one kind of looks like a butterfly! The girls and I spent a good couple hours looking for them! I think we found about 30!

Playing with Glow Sticks
Play with Glow Sticks ~ Have some fun in the dark! The girls had a blast running around the yard with them. They played hide n go seek and threw them up in the air!

Mail Something Crazy ~ Yup! You read that right! You can mail just about anything that is under 13oz via snail mail unwrapped! Flip Flops, Chap Stick, M&Ms, Frisbee, or even a ball! Make sure you get the postage to stick! 

Sunset at Home
Watch the Sun Set ~ Since we live about ten miles from the closest town, we have a beautiful backdrop for sunsets! They are very pretty to watch and change colors as the sun sinks further down.

Try a New Recipe ~ Try something new! There are TONS of recipes out there! I have some very unique and fun ones on my Pinterest if you want to check them out! 

Roll Down a Hill ~ When I was a kid, my dad took me to a park near Cameron, MO. This place has/d the BEST hill to roll down I have ever seen! It was HUGE! (Well it may not be that huge now that I'm older, but still!) I had a blast with the other kids to see who could make it to the bottom first!

D Jumping in the Mud!
Jump in Puddles ~ It' doesn't matter if it's water or mud. You will still have fun! One you will just have to hose off

Make Your Own Ball Pit ~ OMG!! This is AMAZING!!

Cup of Autism explains how to make your own ball pit! It is AWESOME! You must go check it out!! (I could only post the plans since there wasn't a photo of just the pit) 

Go Geocaching ~ You are probably asking, "What is that?" Well, it's a real life treasure hunt that is close to you and world wide! You follow the GPS coordinates and try and find the container that is hidden there. You can read about Geocaching 101 here and join in on the fun!

If you are looking for a couple more frugal things to do, check out Frugaful for a list of 10 Fun Summer Activities For Your Frugal Family!

This is for sure going to be a F.U.N. summer!!!

What are you going to do this summer?

I have spent several days working on this post, so please be kind and 
visit the ones you like and leave feedback!

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Please keep in mind that sale/clearance items may be regional and can vary by stores. It's always best to check your local store.

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  1. Wow! Did it take you all of last summer to compile this list? Thanks for including us :)

    1. It did take about five days though! You are very welcome!

  2. This is a great list! Thanks for showcasing my Scavenger Hunt game!

  3. Love this! Some great ideas here. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lots of great ideas! Thank you!:)

  5. Nice list. Gonna try a few for sure. Definitely gonna do the cupcake thing in the cone. Topped with Frozen yogurt or coffee ice cream. Sounds like a great hot summer day activity. I like your blog. Gonna follow you. I hope you'll follow me back. Cheers.

    1. That does sound Yummy! Let me know how it is! Could you give me a link so I can follow you too?

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