The American Cancer
Society is putting your donation dollars to work now, investing in
groundbreaking cancer research and providing free information and services to
cancer patients and their caregivers. With your help, we aren't just fighting
one type of cancer we're fighting for every birthday threatened by every
cancer, in your community and everyone else's. You are fueling our progress to
end this disease!
While the American Cancer Society is making progress toward a
world without cancer, only with your dedication and fundraising efforts can we finish
the fight against the disease.
With your help, we aren't just fighting one type of cancer –
we’re fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every
community. Each person who shares the Relay For Life experience can take pride
in knowing that they are working to create a world where this disease will no
longer threaten our loved ones or rob anyone of another birthday.
There are many ways you can help! So GET INVOLVED!
*Make a Donation ~ Your donation will directly help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. It is 100% secure through the RFL/ACS
Dedicate a Luminaria Bag ~ Each bag is personalized to honor a friend/loved one affected by cancer. (Watch Video)
Sign Up/Volunteer ~ It's easy to become a member of the Relay For Live family and help fight cancer. All you need to do is sign up! You can start a new team, join an existing team, join as a survivor or caregiver, become a committee member or volunteer at your local event!
*The American Cancer
Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are
tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were
provided for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific
questions about your deductions. 
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