With the rising cost of food, we are all trying to find ways to save money while shopping.
Eat Less Meat
It might seem a little
obvious, but it’s true. Eating less meat will boost the bottom line, and give
you an excuse to try new recipes outside chicken casseroles and sloppy-joes. Just
implementing 2-3 meatless meals a week will
reduce your need to buy it all the time, which will leave a little more wiggle
room in your grocery budget.
Know Your Price per Pound
You can save a huge chunk of
money just by knowing how much meat typically costs. Keep a grocery price book
and write down the price per pound after every purchase. Pretty soon, you will
start seeing a trend, and won’t need to reference your price book as often.
Freeze As Much As Possible
After each grocery store run,
make it a habit to repackage all meat into smaller, plastic freezer bags as
soon as possible. Then label, stack, and store in the freezer until it’s time
to pull out for a lunch or dinner recipe.
Leaving meat in the fridge
for more than a few days can cause it to spoil fast, and I would hate for you
to waste all that money! Establish a rule that unless you will be using the
meat that day, it goes straight into the freezer.
Don’t Buy Specialty Meat
It seems obvious that to save
money on meat, you wouldn't go out and buy a New York Strip Steak. Instead it’s
more reasonable to stick to basic chicken breasts and ground beef.
However, you still have to
watch what you’re buying. Boneless or thinly sliced chicken breasts cost much
more than drumsticks or whole chickens, because you’re letting the butcher do
all the work for you. Buying less expensive cuts of meat then
tenderizing, marinating or slow cooking them will get you more flavors for less
the cost. You’ll often get the same great flavor as the more expensive cuts at
a fraction of the cost. Shaping your own hamburger patties or thin cutting
steak by hand will save you from having to pay for someone else to do the work.
Stretch the Life of Meat
I never pay much attention to
meat portions in recipes, and if you’re trying to save money, you probably
shouldn't either. When the ingredients call for 4 chicken breasts, I only use
two and cut them in half. I do the same with ground beef. A recipe might tell
me to use whole pound, but I’ll use only half and just make the casserole less
meaty. No one has ever noticed!
Buy a Portion of a Cow, Pig, or Raise Chickens
If you live in a farming area, definitely look into buying a whole animal or even half. This is best if you have a deep freezer to store it in. It might seem like a huge cost up front, but if you know your price per pound, then it could potentially be a cheaper option in the long run. You could always find someone to split the cost with too! You can also raise chickens, if your area allows it. (Great way to get fresh eggs or your own organic meat.)
Instead of automatically heading to the deli
counter, check out the packaged deli choices. They are often made by the same
company as the meat at the deli counter but are much more likely to be cheaper
and have coupons. For healthier options at either location, opt for meat that’s
low on preservatives and without added nitrates and fillers.
Branch Out
Check out local butcher shops or
farms for great deals on fresh meat. Sometimes their prices are lower than
bargain grocery stores.
Divide & Conquer
Family-size packages are often cheaper per pound
than their small counterparts. Invest in a bigger package, and then divide it
up into portions when you get home. You can cook it first then freeze, or
freeze it raw. Make sure to seal well in freezer bags to stave off frostbite.
Meat Coupons
Don’t think it is impossible to find
meat coupons. Many times, they can be found near holidays. Thanksgiving, Labor
Day, Memorial Day and Christmas time are great times to find meat coupons.
I have also noticed that many times, meat coupons are not in circulars, but as
“peelies” on the products instead.
Shopping at Night?
you find yourself making a dash to the store at night, check to see if the
rotisserie chickens have been marked down! Since these are made daily
stores often marks them WAY down later in the evenings after the dinner
rush. Our stores will mark them down to 99¢ or $1.99! They are
perfect for taking home and shredding to add to salads, tacos, etc for lunch
the next day or even dinner!
Shop In-Season
prices do fluctuate with the season just like everything else! During grilling season and warmer weather,
ground beef and steak prices are higher, while winter favorites like roast cuts
will go down in price. Meat also goes on sale at least every other month, so
stocking up with a 6-8 week supply will help you save.
Meat Deals
I have a local store that will have 5/$25 sale. You can get 5 kinds of meat, regularly about $6-$9 each. The best by date is coming up in less than two days, but I always freeze it that night anyway.
Change the mind-set that meat is your main dish.
Meat doesn't always have to be the main dish! Search for some yummy recipes that have meat as a side.
Make Stock from Bones
Save bones and fat to make stock and use the stock to flavor
meatless meals.
With a whole chicken, there
is always a ton of meat left over. Freeze the extras for use in casseroles, and
boil the bones for broth. I used to be so intimidated by this, but it is really
easy! They are absolutely perfect for soups, stews, and to use with pasta dishes.
After Holiday Deals
Turkeys and hams are cheapest after holidays. IF you can find any in the store, most places will mark them down. You can always freeze the extras for other meals.
- You need food. Fortunately, our food tastes great.
- You go online to ZayconFoods.com and place your order, your jaw dropping at how much great food you can get for such low prices.
- On the day of your local Zaycon sales event, you take your order confirmation to a designated location a short drive from your home, and you get your fresh, delicious, nutritious food!
That's it, just three easy steps! And let's be honest, that first step wasn't even time-consuming.
Get Your Own
We fish and hunt when we can. We will get our limits, clean and freeze what we don't eat that night.
How do you save
money on Meat?
Lunch Meat
Get Your Own

Please keep in mind that sale/clearance items may be regional and can vary by stores. It's always best to check your local store. Rate My Blog @ Top Mommy Blogs

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